This will be updated as new techniques and referrals come to light. This was last updated on April 12, 2021.
The basic way to earn with COIN is geomine the coins in the app and exchange them for goods or BTC, ETH or XYO crypto tokens. That is a given and I won’t go into detail about that here, but I do want to show you an alternate more profitable solution.
If you want to learn more about COIN check out Getting Started with COIN.
Step 1
You need to sign up for COIN Boss. Right now it is in a beta but should be released soon. If it is still in beta sign up for the waiting list.
You will use COIN Boss to purchase sponsored Geodrops that pop up in the COIN APP. Basically this is exchanging the COIN you earn in the app into advertisements.
Step 2
Sign up for a referral program like CAKEDEFI, coinbase, KuCoin, MYCOINTAINER or BlockFi. They are a cryptocurrency wallets that also let you stake (earn money) on your crypto and you can earn with referrals.
CAKEDEFI is pretty awesome, I use it for most of my staking and liquidity mining. Depending on the crypto you are pairing with DEFI, you can earn between 80 to 120+ APR with liquidity mining. This is my absolute go-to. The person who uses your referral link and makes a $50+ deposit will earn $30 in DEFI and you will get $10 in DEFI. On top of that, you also get weekly payouts on what your referrals are staking, up to 1% of each crypto. This adds up with the more referrals you obtain.
coinbase is nice because you get $10 for signing up with the link above and also get $80+ worth of crypto for free, with the possibility of getting another $100+ with referrals. You can also stake crypto like Tezos (4.63%), DAI (2% APY) or Cosmos (5% APY), which you get for free by watching a short vid about the crypto and answering a single question for each.
KuCoin is the only exchange that lets you trade for XYO. You can check-in daily to earn free KuCoin Candy which you can use to win all sorts of things, even crypto. They have a nice referral program as well and tons of staking and earning options.
BlockFi is another crytpo investment platform that seems to be really good. So far it has worked well for me earning interest on BTC I have deposited.
MYCOINTAINER seems like a really good system to earn referrals as well as get profits from staking your crypto. Downfall to this system is there are minimums for deposits, so might not be good if you don’t plan on investing a good amount.
Step 3
If you have not been approved for COIN Boss yet it is ok, use social media to advertise your referral programs. Facebook boosted posts works wonders, you just have to create a Facebook Page and make posts about your referral. Honestly you should be advertising on social media even if you have been approved for COIN Boss.
If you have been approved for COIN Boss we will create an ad campaign with COIN Boss. If you haven’t been approved yet just wait, it will come.
You will use your COIN from the app and setup a Geodrop ad. Typically people set the campaign at 10 COIN per drop with a 20,000 COIN Budget. Try this for a day or two to see what type of returns you get and adjust accordingly. You can toy around with different drop rates or budgets to see if some provide better returns than others.
You will need to create some ads for your campaign. Many of these programs have a marketing area or nice images or ads to use.
So far I am getting between 6% to 11% CTR on my COIN Boss ads, and between 1% to 3% conversion rate on those click throughs. If your referral program pays out $5 per conversion, you can see how effective this is.
Tip: If you don’t have enough COIN to fuel your ads, you can contact support and buy COIN with XYO. Also, if you have signed up and haven’t heard anything for a while, contact support. They will get you approved.
Step 4
Once you start getting referrals reinvest to earn more money. You can stake crypto in CAKEDEFI, coinbase, MYCOINTAINER or BlockFi. You can also buy or move crypto to KuCoin where you will trade it for XYO (as well as stake/draw interest on crypto).
I am using coinbase to purchase ETH and moving it to my personal MetaMask wallet (That is connected to COIN). I then use UNISWAP to trade the ETH for XYO. MetaMask also now offers currency swaps as well. With the high ETH fees, this is no longer valid. Once the ETH fees go back to normal it will be.
If you use KuCoin then you will withdraw your XYO to your personal wallet your used on the COIN APP. You will do this for the HODL rewards as well as GEOtokens (more on this below). For every 10 million XYO in your connected wallet you will earn 1,000 COIN per day in COIN APP.
The key here is to earn money to purchase more XYO tokens. Set a goal, like 10 million XYO and try to get there. Once you reach that goal, set a new one 🙂
Step 5
With the XYO you have been accumulating you can buy Geotokens on XYO World. When you buy the Geotoken and mint it, you will get most of your XYO back (75%) – after two of it’s children sell and are minted. You also get XYO that flows in when children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren are minted.
This is also another advertising platform that you can feed back to yourself and they are just getting started with abilities. For now you can add referral info into the Geotoken settings (link to your referral program) and they will show to COIN users when they are in your area. I can’t wait to see what they will be releasing in the near future. I have to say, it is a bit addicting to find good locations to purchase for good deals.
For the advertising aspect, you can use other referral programs or even build your mining teams for places like Midoin, Phoneum, TimeStope, Pi, Thundercore and Uhive. A good option would be to stake/reserve WISE tokens with ETH and get cash back on gas fees. Another great gas fee cash back is Ethanol with very good referral compensation.
The best referrals for me are for Stash ($20 per referral), Dosh ($10 per referral) and Rakuten ($20 per referral).
Another good non-crypto referral is GetUpSide, which gives you cash back for each gallon of gas you buy. Use referral code SAM8263 to get a 15c/gallon bonus on top. I drive a diesel truck and make about $20 a month with the cash back doing my normal driving. It is your money, why not get it back?
There are many more good sources of crypto and income you can use by checking out our Crypto Mining, Wallets & Exchanges and Stocks sections.
You also want to earn as much coin as possible so get the Pro Subscription and upgrade to the Master Subscription when you can. Also utilize boosters like this free SentinelX.
The Master Subscription will allow you to stake GeoClaims anywhere, you can earn 100,000+ COIN weekly just with that alone. Geoclaimer.com can help you get to that level.
This was mentioned earlier, but advertise your referral networks!
Use multiple phones, have a main phone and refer the other phone from your main account. If you can only afford 1 Subscription, put it on the 2nd phone, that way you get more referrals rewards.
If you can afford multiple subscriptions, like Master and Pro, put Pro on your main phone and Master on your referred phone to maximize referral rewards. Use your sentinel on both phones to get twice the referral!
Why XY Geotokens are important
So many people don’t even know about XY Geotokens so here is a little primer. Geotokens are an NFT (non-fungible token). What that means is each token is unique, there isn’t a duplicate. Just like real estate, which is basically what these are.
Each Geotoken is a tile on the world map. When the token is mined, it breaks up into 4 child tokens that go to auction. When you mint a token, 75% of the cost is retained in the token. Some XYO goes to the parent and grandparents owners – 16% to the Parent, 4% to the Grandparent, 1% to the Great-grandparent and .25% to the Great-great-grandparent. The rest is burned (destroyed). Once two of the children from that token are minted, your token unlocks and you can withdraw the XYO that is stored in that token. You also get XYO flowed in from those children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren when they are minted.
It isn’t a huge investment since you get most of the XYO back. Just takes a little patience. Another added bonus is your get to fill out Geotoken settings with a Title, Description, Sponsor, Link and Image. These will show to a COIN user when they are in the tile that you own. As you have read above, this is a good way to feed a referral program to earn income.
We are still in the early stages of Geotokens and XY will be releasing new features and benefits with them. I really look forward to what the future releases will be, I know they will make it worth owning Geotokens. So stock up now!
A Transaction from Geominer Eric Meyn
Here’s an example of what I mean when I say that minting (winning auctions on XYO World GeoTokens) in XYO World doesn’t cost you anything. I just won an auction for a really nice token that I minted for about 1.1M XYO. To bid on and mint the token cost me about $13 in ETH (gas fee).
When I won the auction, because I minted the token within the first 24 hours, I got a minting reward of 110k XYO which is worth about $34 at current rates. So I netted, let’s just say $20 to make the math simple. That’s about 65,000 XYO.
When I minted the token, it really only cost me 25% of the minting fee or about 275,000 XYO because you get 75% of it back when two of the child tokens are minted and it unlocks.
PLUS, just for starters, you get 16% of what each of those children mint for. Since they will start out at 50% of the minting fee of the parent, each will have a starting bid of 550,000 XYO, so you’ll get back MINIMUM 176,000 XYO; and that’s if only 2 of the 4 are minted. If all four are minted you’ll get 352,000 and you’re MAKING MONEY!
So going back up to the 275,000 I’m currently out, at worst I’m now only out 275k – 176k which is 99k. Equivalent of $30. So when I take into account the $20 I netted above, now I’m out $10. If the other two tokens mint, then I’m well into the green.
And THEN, if any of the grand-children, great-grand-children, etc, are minted, you get even more coming back. And NONE of this factors in the advertising revenue you can generate with your token! Now stop being lazy and start bidding! (Tokens #02311232 and #02311233 are up for bid and will give you BOTH Dallas and Fort Worth Texas. LOL)
Eric is an avid COIN and XY World member and runs an XYO Crypto Investors Group on MeWe.