Earn over $50,000 Masternode Staking with CAKE’s FREEZER
CAKEDEFI is a platform that allows users to generate cash flow through pooled masternode staking and options lending. They have created a platform with a clean user interface that allows anyone from the novice to the time-starved investor to start earning interest on their cryptocurrency with a couple of simple clicks of a button. Get $30 in DFi by signing up!
Their liquidity mining is awesome! Depending on what crypto you want to pair with DFI, you get 80-120+ APR. They payout every 12 hours (once you complete a 24 hour cycle). I have moved all my staking from other exchanges to this since it is by far the most profitable.
With the Freezer you can turn that FREE $30 DFI into over $50,000 if you freeze it for 10 years. Freeze $500 in DFI for 10 years and you will accumulate over $1.5 million in DFI in that span! I have added this to my retirement plan 🙂