I absolutely love Stash and wish I had gotten it sooner. It makes it really easy to invest in stocks as well as set up custodian accounts for your kids.
The biggest reason I love this app is when you bank with them, you get a Stash card that earns you stock back, which is like cash back but they give you stock instead of cash.
For instance, you purchase stuff at Wal Mart, you will get 1 to 3 percent of your purchase back as Wal Mart stock. The percentage varies, but you get the idea.
I actually direct deposit my paycheck to Stash and use it for my everyday banking. I also pair it with Dosh and GetUpside to double and sometimes triple dip in cash back.
Dosh is basically a cash back app that gives you varying percentages of cash back of your purchase at participating stores.
GetUpside is an app that gives you money back for gas your purchase. Usually between 16 and 25 cents per gallon, which adds up pretty nicely when you travel often.